Saturday, October 07, 2006

September 28, 2006: Going home

September 28
Good Morning Everyone,

Well, today we're finally able to be released from the hospital. We've been here 9 days! That is amazing! We have had a jouney to remember while here. Our nurses and doctors have been Outstanding! But perhaps the most special part of the experience has been the spirit that we have fealt as a blessing from our Father in Heaven. He has directed this journey even before we knew we were going to take it. I think it began with our cars transmission breaking down in U two days before we were supposed to be back to SG for our Dr appointment. Our warrenty covers everything and they gave us a great comfortable mini SUV to drive back until our car was fixed. (We just got the call this morning that we can pick it up tomorrow.:)

Then we ended up getting REFUNDABLE plane tickets. How in the world does that happen? But it did. And it saved us a bundle as we had to make a lot of changes to our flights.

Miracle after miracle happened as we worked on getting the babies and my body stable enough to carry the babies until they can survive. It took a lot of contraction control medicine, strict bedrest, two amniotic fluid reductions, and one cerclauge surgery. FayLynn put it well when she called me a pin cushion. That's about how I feel. :) Now I just need to make it through the flight today and head in to see the Dr. at LDS hospital on Friday.

Leif will fly back to vegas and drive to AZ to pack, pick up Jakob, and zip up to SL as soon as he can. We will then move into my brother's appartment and get settled in. Things seem to be going remarkably well!

The babies and I are stable for the moment. From this point on it will most likely be strict bedrest and weekly amniotic fluid reductions. We pray that we won't have to deliver for at least 10 more weeks. But the babies have a chance if we can wait at least 2 weeks and 3 days.

We have felt the results of all of your prayers and we thank you!!! we'll keep you posted! Thank you for your love and support!!!

Love, Lena and Leif

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