Friday, February 09, 2007

Business Oportunity

November 21, 2006

Hey There,

I just wanted to write and tell you about a business opportunity that Leif has come into that I think you will be really interested in. I told Leif that I would only believe it was a good thing if we earned more money than we put into it within a short amount of time. We have earned over double what we put into it and Leif's been working only two months, and that is very part-time. He could only "work" while Jakob was napping and a little at night after Jakob went to bed.

The company is a multi-million dollar company called ITV Ventures. It was originally an infomercial company. They have now started a Network Marketing company. Right now the product line consists of health and nutrition products. They will be opening it up to several more products within the next little while. I think the best part of the company is that we as IBO's (Independent Business Owners) don't have to do "Cold" sales. Because the company is hooked up with infomercials, they send us the leads. We are able to finalize the sale for people who have already learned about the product and they have contacted us to buy the product. Once you finalize the sale the person will be your customer from that point on and you will always get the commission whenever they buy anything from that point on.

Being a network marketing company, of course there is the other opportunity where you can get a large commission for signing anyone up as an IBO. When it comes to this part of the business, we are in a very good spot. The network marketing part of the company is still in the beginning days. So when you sign up there aren't a million people above you. Leif is around # 400 in the company and has received spillover IBO's from IBO's above him. And then he gets a commision of the sales of those under him. This is one of the ways that people become Very wealthy from working in Network Marketing.

I know I don't do the best job of explaining the details. But I just wanted to send this out to you and let you know that I believe this is a very good opportunity. I am a VERY critical person of this kind of company. So I have made sure it's for real before letting you know.

If you Are interested in learning more about it, take 3 minutes and listen to a call at 1-800-720-6062 then contact Leif at, or call him at (435)689-0599.

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