Wednesday, May 28, 2008

20 Day Trip Has Begun!

We have started our trip of a life time (up to this point in our marriage:) We started in Pocatello, Idaho to visit Heather. We then went to Brigham City, Utah to a Family Reunion for Leif's mother's side on Memorial Day. We also visited the girls' graves. On Tuesday the 27th we boarded a plane with my parents and flew to Kansas City, MO. From there we drove to Keokuk, Iowa (half hour out of Nauvoo, Il.) We checked in our hotel and settled in. Today uncle Jim and aunt Kathy met us and we went to Carthage Jail in Carthage, Il. - Nauvoo Temple - Lucy Mack Smith/Joseph Bates Noble home - and dinner at the Nauvoo house. We will spend 3 more days here and then head back through Missouri where we will stop at Hannibal (Mark Twain's home), Adam ondi aman, and Liberty Jail. We will then continue on to Carthage, Missouri and stay with uncle Bruce for a few days. From there we will drive to Branson Missouri and meet everyone for a family reunion on my mom's side of the family. That's the abbreviated version of our itinerary. From this point on I will blog the trip in detail. Wish us luck and hope you enjoy our journey with us it will last until June 12th.

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