Saturday, June 07, 2008

Silver Dollar City - Dino Museum - Jakob's Sick

We've been to Silver Dollar City twice now. The first day we spent with my parents and by ourselves. We all had a really nice time. Jakob's first ride was the kiddy roller coaster. This was his first amusement park ever. So we conditioned him quickly. He survived the ride (Leif was with him) but he didn't want to ride it again. His favorite ride so far is the dumb (hehe Lena really ment Dumbo) ride that goes round and round and up and down slowly. He is just a low key little boy. The craziest ride they went on that day was a water ride. I almost panicked when I realized exactly what the ride was (too late.) Leif and my mom and Jakob went together. They rode a three person raft down a long water slide. Jakob luckily sat in between Leif's legs. They got soaked! Leif LOVED it, my mom enjoyed it, Jakob was pretty much shocked that he experienced it. I was relived that he wasn't traumatized.

The next day we went with everyone in the family. We had a great time playing together and watching the kid's on the rides. I'm not much of a rides person so I was content to carry Caleb in the Moby Wrap and enjoy being with everyone. Although, I did want to go on one ride. It was the rubber tube raft ride through the river. My mom watched Caleb while I rode with everyone. It was a lot of fun.

Jakob started to signs of being sick yesterday while riding the rides. I wasn't too surprised since he was around a lot of kids and riding rides. I knew he was either sick with a bug, or motion sick. He woke up this morning throwing up and a fever.... But I'm getting ahead of myself. Last night we went out to dinner with my parents and then we took Jakob to the highlight of his whole vacation, the Dinosaur Museum. He was in heaven. It was a small museum, but he had a great time exploring. The museum was filled with life sized statues of dinosaurs or dinosaur heads. So he just walked around looking at all the big dinosaurs. His favorite of course was the t-rex. I enjoyed playing with the dino puzzles and books with Jakob. It was a nice family night. We bought Jakob a really big T- Rex. He loves it!

Like I said this morning Jakob woke up sick. So we had to spend the whole day inside. But it turned out enjoyable. We napped and cleaned up, visited with family that came in and out. It was Saturday so everyone stayed away from the crowded areas. So we didn't miss too much. Leif and Jim gave Jakob a blessing this morning. I'm sure he'll be fine. The boys are finally asleep now and Leif and I are going to try and finish our movie (National Treasure) although, the TV just barely randomly shut off (Oh Leif got it working, I'll go watch it with him)

1 comment:

Molly said...

You guys sound like you are having lots of fun with your many adventures. I hope Jakob gets to feeling better and the rest of the trip goes smoothly.

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