Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Realities Details

Our week so far has been filled with pondering, talking, and making decisions. Leif had a summer job all lined up to start when we got home from our trip. Shortly after we got home he started and soon found out it was not going to work out. The company was not established enough. They weren't really ready to have employees yet. So we have been job hunting... again.

When you live in a small town, your qualifications aren't really that applicable when you are looking for a job. The question is, who is hiring and are you willing to work for the amount that they are able to pay you? Leif was really hoping to start working for Zions Bank. But unfortunately because of the economy they are holding off on hiring for a bit. We are hoping that he will be able to work for them by the middle of next month. Until then, Leif has had to get a job at Wendys so we can pay the bills. I feel blessed that he is humble and responsible enough to take the job so he can take care of us.

Our health is still no fun. We all have colds and Jakob did end up getting it too. So we're smearing on our GOOT and taking our vitamins, and trying to get better.

We will all start school full time online the end of August. Leif will study with Dixie State, I will study with Global College Of Natural Medicine, and Jakob will be in Preschool and Dance. And Caleb will probably learn to sit up. :)

We have many blessings to be grateful for and many things to look forward to!

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