Sunday, July 20, 2008

Still Sick But Getting Better

What a weekend! I honestly can't remember the last time I was this sick. I think it was when Jakob was 6 months old and I got Mastitis. I'm taking antibiotics and using some natural remedies too. My fave is Lavender oil. It's an anti-viral and I really like the smell.

We have missed Jakob, but it sure is a blessing that he isn't home. Hopefully he's missed this infection. I have been able to rest for the most part as much as I have needed to. Leif has been a great help!! I should be resting now... I will as soon as I'm done here.

Leif and I are kind of taking this time (even though I'm sick) to celebrate our five year wedding anniversary. With Jakob not home we can watch a movie without interruptions, well almost. We watched two movies last night and have a few more for today and tomorrow. We got a "Mormon" movie for today.

Leif's at church. He has done a really good job with his new calling as primary music chorister. He practically plans his own sharing time lesson to go along with the songs he teaches the kids every week. It has been wonderful!

Leif starts at Wendy's in the morning. No fun, but much appreciated by our little family! Thank you My Love!

Our garden is thriving thanks to Leif. I will put some pictures up soon. We should have a lot of tomatoes, peppers, squash, pumpkins, crazy corn, gourds, and cucumbers. Our wild flower garden is doing well too. We planted the first year of wild flowers when I was pregnant with the twins. It bloomed just as they passed away. We have planted it in their memory each year ever since.

1 comment:

Heidi Hamilton said...

Being sick is NO FUN! Hope you feel better soon Lena. Also - happy 5 year anniversary! I'm sure you guys are much wiser with all you've been through in 5 than we've been through in 8.

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