Sunday, August 31, 2008

Christmas in August: Mama's School Materials

I received my school materials yesterday! I am officially a student of the Global College of Natural Medicine in their Holistic Health Practitioner program. It is a two year program that will award me with a Practitioners Diploma when I am finished. I won't bore you with all that I will be studying. But I know I am really going to enjoy it! I do hope and pray that I'll be able to truly balance all of my priorities. It won't be easy. Wish me luck!!

We opened the box and had a lot of fun pulling everything out. I have my work cut out for me. It's been good showing Jakob our enthusiasm for learning and school. I hope it stays with him.

1 comment:

Molly said...

Good luck as you begin your schooling. It won't be easy with the little kids, but if you can finish it, it will be well worth it.

I loved college and being able to study what I was interested in.

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