Monday, August 11, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY August 11, 2008 ...
Outside My Window... I can see that the sun is setting.
I am thinking... about how much I'm looking forward to bed time. Not the "putting the kids to bed" part. But definitely the sleep part!
I am thankful for... my good husband and his understanding and patience, as well as his hard work.
From the kitchen... I am bidding my hubby farewell as he leaves after a long day at work to yet work some more.
I am wearing... Comfy pants and a shirt. But I'm happy to say my sizes are dropping:)
I am creating... Many projects.
I am going... to resist getting angry with Jakob for the millionth time today (he just hucked a hanger towards a shelf full of memento's.) I can't wait for his school t start!
I am reading... my scriptures more and a lot on the internet.
I am hoping... that Leif will be hired on at a better job and that we might find a bigger place to live.
I am hearing... the hum of the air conditioners and Jakob talk to himself as he plays with his toys.
Around the house... I am trying not to look around. It is just a reminder of all that I didn't get dome today. But the toilet is scrubbed:)
One of my favorite things... writing and researching.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Dishes, securing Leif a better job, RS enrichment night, taking Jakob to the park.
Here is picture thought I am sharing... I Really Miss Hawaii!

1 comment:

Thru Pink Curtains said...

i like hawaii too the beach i was at was fabulous

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