Monday, August 04, 2008

The Simple Women's Daybook

FOR TODAY August 4, 2008

Outside My Window... It's dark. 9:22 PM, curtains closed. I think it's cloudy...

I am thinking... about so many different things. I think I will be formulating health supplements in my sleep.

I am thankful for... Sleeping Children.

From the kitchen... The dishes linger in the sink and Jakob's dinner plate still sits on the table.

I am wearing... My comfy pants.

I am creating... a health supplement formula and plan for Leif and I.

I am going... to bed as soon as I'm done here.

I am reading... A lot of information about vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, etc.

I am hoping... That I can stand having Jakob whine about wanting to play with the big kids tomorrow. I should be glad, but they're older then him and I'm protective. (A family from the community needed a trailer to stay in this week.)

I am hearing... The hum of the air conditioner and stillness. Ahhhh~ Caleb's fussing! GRRR!

Around the house... There are things waiting for me to do tomorrow. But for now.

One of my favorite things... is my biggest vice: Peanut Butter Panic ice cream, smothered in hot fudge and nuts.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Just getting through it. Things aren't bad, but not easy.

Here is picture thought I am sharing... I can not believe how much Jakob and Caleb look alike! This is Jakob at Caleb's age. The only difference is Caleb still has beautiful blue eyes and Jakob had/still has deep brown eyes. They even hold their hands the same way...

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