Monday, August 25, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY August 25, 2008...

Outside My Window I can see the morning sunlight peaking under the curtain letting me know that the rest of the world is waking up and I hope the rest of my world stays asleep for a while.

I am thinking about all of the things that I hope to accomplish today. Today is a day of organizing our upcoming daily schedules so we cam maximize our little time with all of our many things to do.
I am thankful for my husband's willingness to work hard, and a good nights sleep.

From the kitchen I am thrilled to say I only have clean dishes beckoning to me to be put away from the drainer.

I am wearing my sleeping attire:)

I am creating a list of all that I hope to accomplish this week.

I am going to stay home today and accomplish a lot, and tomorrow will be our getting out day.

I am reading many nutritional health articles and my lessons for the upcoming weeks for my LDS Young Women's class that I serve in church.

I am hoping that my strength holds up today, that my liquid iron arrives soon, and that the kids allow me the time to do all that I need to with them as well as for myself today.

I am hearing the tick of Caleb's swing in the distance.

Around the house things are tidy thanks to all of our willingness to clean things up last night.

One of my favorite things is when I truly learn something new that I can apply to my life or another persons life.

Family Home Evening tonight will most likely be short and sweet. I think we'll talk about how we can be a leader who chooses the right. We're trying to help Jakob be more of a leader instead of a follower.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Calender upcoming events, outline Caleb's upcoming immunizations, Make eye exam appointments, laundry, and plan our family schedule during the school months.

Here is picture thought I am sharing... My Precious World!

1 comment:

Janee said...

Your babies are darling! Love this pic!

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