Monday, September 29, 2008

He's Sleeping In His Room!!

Sometimes we just have to focus on life's little joys. Sometimes, those little joys seem really big! Leif worked really hard this weekend and built a room for Caleb. And Caleb is asleep at the moment. I love that life can go on and he can still sleep!

The room isn't completely finished. We want to sound proof it is much as possible. We're going to put carpet on the walls. Hopefully this will help a little bit. But for now, I'm grateful to have him enclosed in four walls!!!

Thank you My Love for your HARD work!! I truly appreciate your willingness to help my life be a little easier!


Steph said...

It must be great to have him in his own room! Props to your hubby for working that out!

Heidi Hamilton said...

Yeah - that's great. I know I'm ready to move the kids in their own rooms after they're about 2 days old. They seem to sleep so much better that way.
I love that picture of you and Caleb.

Melonee said...

What a great space! Chloe was a total "need her own room" kind of baby. I hope he keeps sleeping well for you!

Sandra said...

Thats nice that he will have his own room. I hope the carpet works for you to block out the sound.

Nicole said...

YAY! My kids have a room....I wish they would sleep in it!

Melonee said...

Yes we cloth diaper! I love it! Do you guys?

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