Saturday, October 04, 2008

All Day Shopping and The Events Therein

Yesterday was our monthly trip into St. George. These trips usually take some serious planning and a Huge amount of time! This trip was no different. We usually hit Costco, DI, and Wal-Mart. Yesterday we scored big at the DI!:) But I'm getting ahead of myself...

First I have to write about the funny thing Jakob said while we were out. We were at Golden Coral eating lunch and Jakob was "practicing" his ballet next to our table. He was actually doing really good and it was catching the attention of the people around us. Just as everyone was paying attention to him he did something really good (can't remember what) just as I thought to myself, "WOW! that was great!" I heard Jakob say matter of factly, "I've Got Talent!" Everyone cracked up laughing!

Yesterday could have been an absolute NIGHTMARE! But it wasn't. Both Jakob and Caleb were wonderful! I actually enjoyed having them with us. Jakob was kind and patient and Caleb was the same. This was a VERY much needed blessing!!!

We have learned that if we hit the DI first and let Jakob choose a toy (that he has earned ahead of time) this will save us for the hours of shopping we have ahead of us! Yesterday our car was full even before we got to Wal-Mart. We found a cute toddler size art desk, a high quality air purifier, baby toys, and more. All for a lot less then what they were all worth. It was great!

We spent 5 HOURS at Wal-Mart yesterday! Have you ever spent that much time at Wal-Mart? We took our car to them to get the tires fixed. But the bulk of the time was just shopping without a rush. Now our cupboards are stocked and a few more home improvement projects are underway.

All in all, it was a great day. Long, but productive. And I still liked Jakob after we got home. This was the highlight of my day!!!


Melonee said...

Wow! Five hours at Walmart?! I don't think I've ever spent more than two hours there...

Sounds like you had a fun shopping filled day. Great finds at the DI too, we love thrift stores!

Steph said...

5 hours at Walmart! That's awesome. Here in Price, Walmart is the only interesting place to go. I go there when I'm bored. I'm glad you got all your shopping done!

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