Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mama's Ramblings

Leif and I just seem content with staying up glued to our computers tonight. So, I'll blog!:)

Well, Caleb and I are sick again. It seems quite ridiculous how often we get sick! Caleb is nursing. The old wives tale is that breastfed babies don't get sick as often. I'm not sure how true that is. I'm seriously going to check the facts on that. I wouldn't know personally because I've nursed both of my kids. But it sure seems like my babies are sick a lot. And for me, I live a pretty healthy lifestyle. I'm not sure why I keep getting sick... As my little Jakob keeps saying, "Oh Well!" As if that little saying makes everything perfect. But, what else can I do??? Move on. Yes, I need to move on from my ramblings;)

I'm really excited for Thanksgiving! I hope that everything goes smooth enough. I'm just going to try and be as easy going as possible and enjoy as much of the weekend as possible. The next couple of days will be dedicated to laundry and homework. Next week is final house projects and fun!

Tonight I had YW. We had a nice dinner together with a few grandmas in the ward that we adopted. It was nice. I'm starting to find my place in the group. It's nice to have my good friend Harmony back in commission now that she's had her baby. She is such a dear friend!

Well, I've rambled enough. My back hurts and I need to get some sleep before Caleb starts his night feedings. Tonight I have a lot of friends and family on my mind. Many people struggling and in need... I pray for you!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I was just about to ask where you would be for Thanksgiving but then saw your previous post. I hope you have a great time with your family. Tell them "hi" from us. We of course will be staying in Logan. I don't want to drive anywhere with new baby. I have a couple sisters who live here that won't be going home so they will come over and then I have a neighbor who is single with two kids (13 and 18) I would hate to see them have Thanksgiving alone so I invited them over. Kevin keeps asking me if I'm sure I want all these people over with a new baby but I'll be sure to keep the baby far away :) Preparation won't be so bad since my sisters plan to bring things and so does this other sister. So I just have a few things to do. Well I've rambled on long enough, I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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