Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Fun!

Well, the evening's coming to a close and thus ends our Thanksgiving weekend. I just had my final hurrah by eating a gigantic bowl (okay a regular bowl size) full of the most AMAZING crock pot chocolate pudding cake and of course my favorite ice cream. As of tomorrow, I'm starting a cleanse diet. No, just kidding! I'm just going to go back to my good girl food.

Anyway, we had a great time this weekend. By Wednesday night I had my house completely cleaned, organized, and ready for it to be filled with people all weekend. I wrote out my cooking schedule for the upcoming day, made sure the turkey was completely thawed, and went to bed. My family was the first to arrive Thursday afternoon. Everyone jumped right in and helped me get everything ready. We had a fun time baking and cooking all of the yummy food. The house was filled with cheerful sounds and mouth watering smells.

We were also taking the chance to welcome in the Christmas season by listening to Christmas music. Jason and his girlfriend Hannah helped Jakob and my niece Victoria string cranberries for my Christmas tree. We popped popcorn that we would string later. Throughout the afternoon everyone arrived and we had a large table full of all kinds of food. We had ham, turkey, and all of the traditional foods, as well as some new ones. Like Leif's Blue Cheese Green Bean Casserole, for example. MMM!

My friend Harmony started looking through our wedding album and from there we decided to sit down and watch our wedding video. You might think that a bit strange. But our wedding video is actually a really fun video. It was fun to enjoy the memories with friends and family. We were all sitting in a circle at this point and things naturally flowed into a time to share the things that we are grateful for. The most common trend being family and loved ones. I shared my gratitude for eternal families.

That night we all gorged ourselves on a huge variety of pies and desserts. WOW! The guys and Leif's mother then played a game of Acquire. This is a traditionally played game during many family gatherings. My smart hubby won.:) After the game it was definitely time to call it a night!

The next day we headed over to SG to visit my aunt Joann. We met up for lunch and had a nice visit. The guys then left to go to Joann's house to visit our cousin Darin. All of the girls went shopping.:) I enjoyed my time at Barnes and Noble. I found Jakob a book called The Dinosaurs Night Before Christmas. From there we enjoyed some delicious pie back at Joann's house. I was glad we were able to get over to visit!

Great day, Great food, Great Company, Great Blessings!

The next day was our Christmas tree hunt! That will have to be a different post...

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