Sunday, November 23, 2008

Tis Finished!

My hubby is probably the most excited out of all of us for this post. Our home decorating projects are officially complete... Well for now.:) I have to be realistic!:) But really, I won't ask Leif to do any major projects for at least... :)

Anyway, I am so pleased with how everything has turned out! Our dear friends Harmony and Darius came over on Saturday and Darius helped Leif staple up butcher paper to the ceiling all morning and afternoon. We are SOOO Grateful for his help!! Leif and I finished up the last couple of strips that night. We also applied the wallpaper border and hung the pictures. I look around my tiny little house and smile at the upgrades and cuteness of it all!:) What a blessing!

So here are the pics. There is just no way to really give you the true effect with a snapshot. Sorry!

1 comment:

Janee said...

Looks great! That's awesome you guys can make your house into a home!

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