Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snow Madness in Arizona!

If we had a local weather reporter, they would surely call this week a week of record breaking snow fall. The snow started up again just as I brought Jakob home from school and Leif drove up from work. They were finally able to get out and play in the snow together. These are the results.

Now they're warming back up in a warm shower and it's a steaming bowl of chili for dinner!


Molly said...

That is an incredible amount of snow. What a snow fort! How awesome to play in.

Heidi Hamilton said...

Wow - that looks like the mountains! Pretty talented husband/son snow block team!

Heidi Hamilton said...

Hey - did you know Evelyn Cann has a blog?

Steph said...

Wow, that's a lot of snow! We would be happy to bring chips and dip. It's on Monday at Jared's right?

Steph said...

P.S. I'm way excited to finally meet you!

Patricia Potts said...

These photos make me smile!!

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