Monday, January 19, 2009

Caleb's Crawling

This evening we were all getting ready for Family Home Evening when Caleb gave us a fun surprise. He really wanted whatever it was that Jakob was holding and before we knew it, he was crawling for it. I knew that he was really close to crawling earlier today. So I stripped him down to his onesie so he didn't have to work around his baggy clothes. It seemed to do the trick. Now he's able to get around double time. He has been doing the army crawl for the last week, and getting around fast. Now he's just faster.

Nine months and two weeks old and he's finally sleeping in at least three hour stretches, and crawling. My baby is growing up...


Janee said...

Oh boy! The joys of mobile babies :) Caleb's hair looks really red in the pics! I love his big blues eyes! SO cute!

Heidi Hamilton said...

He's a cutie Lena. It does go SOOO fast!

Patricia Potts said...

Cute photos (with your nifty new camera.)
How ya doin girl?

Sandra said...

Thats exciting. Both for the sleeping part and the crawling :)

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