Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Nine Months Old and Still Awake...

This morning I'm trying to recover from another terrible night with Caleb. Two nights in a row of screaming and feeding every 2-3 hours through the night. Don't worry, I'm re-evaluating things. He'll be nine months old tomorrow and I'll be 30 years old. I need my sleep. I can handle every 4 hours. But at this point, less then that is too hard.

The last two evenings I've made funky meals for dinner. The first was Thai Chicken and the second was Moraco Chicken. Both had some spice to it. But nothing too extreme except ginger or turmeric. Maybe he's teething... I hate the guessing game!

Well, it's time to start the day. Jakob goes back to preschool today! Praise Be For That!!!!!:)


Sandra said...

Lena, I hear ya girl! Last night was not a good night for us either. For BriLynn it's a matter of just getting her to sleep, I'm not sure if she wants a binkie or not. You always just hope the next night is better. Good luck!

Molly said...

I'm sleep deprived too. Peanut won't sleep unless she is being held. When she wakes up she just screams and it echos in this tiled floor house. Good luck to you and to us all.

Nicole said...

Isabelle got like that. The doctor said to let her cry it out. I just did it last week finally. The first night was 1 1/2 hours. The next was twenty then ten. She still wakes up at night but I ignore her and she goes back to sleep. Until about 6 but she eats and goes back. Is he eating solid food? Isabelle wasn't until recently and that helped too. Good luck!

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