Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Oh What A Day!

I woke up this morning having had the most uninterrupted sleep I have had in nine months. Caleb slept for 8 hours straight! I was asleep 6 of those 8 hours. It was an amazing experience;) We are thinking that there might be a few reasons for this sudden change. It's still in the experimental stage. He went to bed with a full stomach of baby food and milk. We gave him a warm bath and a nice lotion rub down just before bed. And there was no Paxil in his system.

You are surely wondering what in the world I mean about no Paxil in his system. Well, unfortunately Caleb gets a tiny trace of my antidepressant meds from my breast milk. Throughout the last couple of weeks I've been wondering if my Paxil has been causing my increase in horrible nightmares and Bizarre dreams. I finally decided to stop taking Paxil for a couple of days to see if my nightmares subsided a bit. They have, they're not completely gone for me. But I am wondering if Caleb has been having a similar side effect from the Paxil, and that is why he is constantly waking throughout the night. Last night and tonight there is no trace of Paxil in him, so we'll see how tonight goes.

Unfortunately, I have a love hate relationship with Paxil. I love that it keeps me from being a bear throughout the day. But I Hate (and can't tolerate) the nightmares and dreams. So, I have to go back to the drawing board. I still take Wellbutrin during the day. But it doesn't cut it. I had a pretty rough day today. I am going to have to suck it up and go see a psychiatrist so I can discuss what meds are best for my situation. Because, when Mama ain't well, ain't nothin' well!

Today was filled with a lot of driving back and forth from one place to another. I took Jakob to and from school, went and got my blood drawn to check up on my Iron, dropped books off at the library, picked up Leif and then took him and picked him up from a dentist appointment. Needless to say, I was very sick of the car by the end of the day.

The fun part of our day was our FEDEX delivery. My camera arrived today!:) We spent a lot of the evening taking pictures. The camera is amazing! I will share more about it when I have pictures to show. It is really neat!

I was supposed to go to Young Women's tonight. But I was too frazzled by the time it came time to go. I had to curl up with a good book for a while to ground myself enough to fix dinner and straighten the house, and then bathe and put the kids to bed.

The absolute BEST part about my day was Leif! He was my knight in shining armor, as usual. But tonight it meant a bit more. He helped me wash the dishes. He helped me get the house completely cleaned, and he forgave me for having a moment of absolute belligerent rudeness towards him. What a gift he is in my life!!!!

Tonight we gathered up all of Jakob's toys. We separated a tiny amount for him to play with, and the rest went behind the wall (where we store extra toys.) I am SOOO Sick of toys spread out everywhere, and I'm even more sick of how spoiled Jakob has become. He doesn't show any gratitude for his toys and is constantly asking for more. I am well aware of the fact that that is normal for a four year old. But it is good every once in a while to humble them a bit and help them appreciate what they have. We've done this before and it helps for a while. He'll be able to get a few out every couple of days or so.

And the final news of the night is: We're Going On Another Road Trip!!!!:) We'll head out tomorrow to visit Grandma and Grandpa Hunt again. We're going to go to the Draper Temple open house. I am so excited to take Jakob through it!! We will also take Jakob to the Dinosaur Museum. I'm also looking forward to giving Leif the chance to use his Massage gift certificate that I gave him for Christmas, and I get to go out to dinner with my dear missionary companion. So it will be a great trip! I really hope the book on CD gets here tomorrow before we leave after Leif gets home. We got The Supersonic Saints by John Bytheway. It is a compilation of stories about LDS pilots and their stories of faith and adventure. We should all enjoy it, especially Jakob!:)


Sandra said...

I'm glad you explained that, I was wondering what you meant with the Paxil. Good luck tonight. I hope you get a good nights sleep. It always seems as if I have good night the next night is not so good, hopefully thats different for you. Have fun with your fam! Tell them "Hi" from us.

Janee said...

Hey have you tried Lexapro? Man I LOVE Lexapro :) I took Zoloft while I was nursing and it didn't work as well for me. I stopped taking it when I would out I was preggers though. I stopped taking it when I was pregs with Maya too. It SUCKS. I hate being off my meds. Did you take Paxil or Welbutrin when you were pregnant?

Thanks for the advice about Maya's sleeping. We're going to try a few different things and hope something works :)

Melonee said...

Have a great trip and enjoy yourselves!

Molly said...

Have fun on your trip.

Patricia Potts said...

HELLO, what an honest, heart warming description about your life. You are a gifted writer and you are on your way to more answers! I'll be excited to help them. Love, Patricia

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