Monday, January 12, 2009

Printing My Blog Book

Thanks everyone for all of your comments on my posts! I know my Mamma Mia post was a bit extreme, but like I said (without going into detail), it hit too close to home right now... Anyway...

I just want to thank all of you who read all of my deep thoughts and then some of my not so deep thoughts. I love hearing from you! I love finding new friends and hearing from them too. That's where facebook has been really nice!

I'm working on finalizing things so I can get my first blog book printed. I'm using Come to find out blogger isn't as easy to print from as some other blog hosting sites. So this company is one of the few companies who will work with them. But they seem to be good. The book will be about the size, quality, and look of a year book. I'm really excited. This book will have everything from 2006 through 2008. Needless to say it will be long. Probably around 200 pages. That is a lot of writing and pictures!!

I know as people read my blog it might feel like I'm just writing to all of my faithful friends, family, and bloggers out there. But the truth is, this blog is for my future family members of tomorrow. So when you come across an odd post, you can just consider it a "For the Record" post. I love being able to consider this one way to check Family History off of my "Ways to Get to Heaven" list!:)


Janee said...

I've always wanted to print my blog! Thanks for the link, I'm going to check it out...

Steph said...

I didn't get a chance to comment on the Mamma Mia post, so I will here. I too agree that there was a lot of morally wrong scenarios in it. The funny thing is that before I got married things like that didn't bother me. But now that I'm married, that stuff just makes me sick, especially the way that sex is portrayed as so casual. I'm a LOT more sensitive to those things now.

Sandra said...

My friend prints her blog for the same reason. I think it's a great idea to print it out, great way to journal. Is it costly?

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