Saturday, February 28, 2009

Donkey Basketball

We live in a Very Small town, right on the border of another Small town. So we are entitled to some of the most bizarre small town events ever!

I was driving down the highway and I passed the school bill board. It read: "Donkey Basketball..." I called Leif right away and as a typical city girl I said, "What the heck is Donkey Basketball?!" He chuckled...

Donkey Basketball is a game of basketball played in the school gym, with the players riding on the backs of donkeys. YEP! My first thought was, "IN THE GYM??" YEP! They put rubber shoes on the donkeys and they're ready to play. I guess they are literally born and raised to play basketball.

The school sold tickets for this game as a fundraiser. I'd be curious to know how much they earned. I'm sure it was a lot because I swear the Whole Town showed up. Everyone was having a great time. Honestly, it took me a while to warm up to the whole idea. I knew that the donkey's were fine. But it just didn't seem right. :) Really, it was the players that we needed to worry about. They kept falling off of the donkeys, or they would jump up to get back on and end up sliding off the other side right onto their heads. Seriously, it was CRAZY!

They had four teams. Everyone from one of the mothers from town to the town doctors were playing in the games. Leif's brother, Erik, is a Jailer at the county jail. He played on the law enforcement team. The two teams that ended up in the finals were the Town Doctors against the Town Cowboys. The Cowboys won. Good Thing!:)


Ev said...

Can't believe this actually happened! How fun!!! Never heard of that ever either. Sounds like it was a good time! :) Ev

michelle said...

Oh my heck. Thst sounds like so much fun to go and watch!!!

Sandra said...

Oh my that is soooo funny! I come from a small town too but we never did stuff that fun!!! Ha ha. I would be worried about the mess on the floor.

Harmony said...

I can't believe it! I live in this same town and I just assumed that it was that game where you throw baskets and each time you miss you take a letter of the word donkey, so you have missed 3 you would have don. If I had know that is what it was I would have bought a ticket too just to see it thanks for the pictures I still would not have believed it if I had not seen the photos.

Lena Baron said...

Harmony, That's funny! I forgot that was actually what I thought the game was going to be...

Patricia Potts said...

so cute! I'm sending this one to Joseph!

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