Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Week's Worth Of Updates

Goodness! How long has it been since I posted!?? I have been very busy and just trying to keep my priorities straight. But I will write a quick run down and see if I can give details later.

I have been working on my book. I LOVE! They are definitely my kind of scrap booking! I am really excited to see the final product. I just have to upload a few more pics and it should be ready to send off.

The kids are requiring a lot more of my time. Now that Caleb is growing up he requires a lot more. He is eating around 2 meals each day and nurses a couple/few times too. He doesn't nap as long and he moves around a lot. Thanks heavens he is a Pure Delight!! His laugh is so contagious and he will laugh at the drop of a hat. Ohh it is so fun!!!:) Jakob is doing really well too. He is growing up right before my eyes. He can read the word Dinosaur! He loves to learn anything and everything. He is going through a snugly stage. So these are precious times!

I am working on my Holistic Practitioners Certificate. It is a lot of fun! I'm on the anatomy section, so that's not near as much fun as the other stuff. But it's all very interesting to me. I'm hoping to be completed with the program by the end of summer.

Leif is extremely busy. It's hard to imagine him being busier. But he will be. This is only the conditioning period. It's good that things will lead into each other rather then suddenly going insane!:)

Tomorrow is my moms birthday. I have a post that I am working on that is dedicated to her. So if you're interested scroll down and find where it fits in the scheme of things. It will probably come right after this post.

We had Young Women's here tonight. We made pizza, brownies, and started sewing pajama bottoms. I have a good group of girls. They really brighten up my week. I spoke in Sacrament meeting on Sunday. It was our Young Women's Presidency's week to speak. I want to try and post some of the thoughts about my talk. I'll try. It was about valuing your divine potential.

Well, Valentines Day is around the corner. Jakob is old enough now that we had to make valentines for his preschool class. We had fun! He decorated the cards and I cut out little hearts and wrote every ones names on them. Then he wrote his name on all of them. They were all so cute and original. I wish I could have saved some of them. He had some with tanks on them, others with airplanes and missiles. Then he had some with rainbows. He even had one with a rainbow that had a door in the middle to get into the rainbow. Priceless...

Tomorrow I am going to get my hair done. I am finally going to get some color weaved into it. I hope it turns out to be worth the money!

We also have Leif's brother, Seth's, wedding this Friday. He and Valen will be married in the Las Vegas temple. We are going to take Brittany, one of my YW girls to sit with the kids while we are in the temple. Then we are coming back to SG for dinner at the Olive Garden. It should be a neat day. We wish them well!

Well, we all have colds. I just tried to talk and I realized that my voice is down to a squeak. So, let's hope after some sleep it will be better:)

Life is good!


Molly said...

Sounds like busy, crazy, fun. Things do get hard when the kids get mobile. Peanut is climbing now and I'll hear her screaming once in a while from another room. I'll go in there and find her standing on the step stool or a box and she can't get down. I'm excited to hear more about your book and see a picture of it. I've always wanted to be a published writer. Looks like you beat me to it. :) Have fun this weekend. We sure wish we could come and be a part of the fun and festivities.

Sandra said...

Busy Busy... You'll have to post a picture of your hair :)

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