Sunday, March 01, 2009

Home Sick Again

We took another Sick Day today. It really wasn't because we feel terrible. It was mostly so we didn't share the sickness that we have. Leif has been getting better day by day. His cough is acting up at the moment. But hopefully it's better tomorrow. Jakob has never caught the worst of it. He has a lingering cold with an occasional fever. But that heavens it hasn't knocked him out. Caleb has a junky nose and a cough. Poor guy! But he's still in good spirits. I'm over the cold and just playing doctor mom to everyone else.

We had another Sunday School at home this afternoon. The subject went along with the Sharing Time lesson in the Friend Magazine, titled A House of Order. If you look at the header of my blog you'll note that I have the scripture about having a house of order as the blog description. That scripture is actually our family Mission Statement. So the lesson went as follows:

Prayer: Jakob
Story: Standing Up For Caleb (Mama: Friend Magazine)
Story: Daddy's Sunshine (Papa: Friend Magazine)
Sharing Time: A House of Order (Mama: Friend Magazine)
Activity: Making a house of order. Put away our own clothes from the mountain of clean clothes on the couch;) (Great idea huh!:)
Singing Time: Music Dice (Papa)
Prayer: Mama

The House of Order activity really inspired me to continue on throughout the house. It wasn't the best "Sunday Activity" but when I get the motivation, I have to go with it! So my house is a lot more tidy and Caleb can climb around on the floor and I don't have to worry about him being a human vacuum cleaner. That is REALLY nice!

Leif and I worked on our latest family project (dinosaur book)for a large portion of the day. We are almost done. I think it will turn out cute. I'm really Excited! I need to get it done and check it off of my list. I have too many little/big projects floating around in my world right now. I need to finish this so I can finish the big ones. But I'm glad we acted upon this idea. I know it will be priceless in the end...

My Holistic Health Practitioner schooling is the biggest project looming over my head. I am really glad that I am taking on the challenge. But I want to have it all finished by the end of the Summer. So I have to really focus. I learn so much every day. A lot of it so far has been added knowledge to what I already knew. But it is all still life changing information. As I study I have to realize that all that I am reading is biased material. So I have to take all of the information, and form my own conclusion. I agree with the vast majority of what my instructors feel. However, I am not as extreme as the majority of them are. I would like to be a lot more holistically healthy. But right now I have to take things one step at a time. Luckily, Leif is very supportive and has a similar stand on all that I am studying (for the most part). I did chastise him for putting green food coloring in the breakfast muffins today. I felt bad and ended up apologizing. We ended up having to talk about a concern I have. How in the world am I going to take in all of this information and find a way to apply it to my family life. One step at a time.

Luckily, we're not too far off of the boat when it comes to holistic health. Now I just have to come up with a way to find and afford Organic Foods, throw out all of the sugar (FOREVER!), and stay on the band-wagon. Wish Me Luck!


Steph said...

That's so cool that you have your own little Sunday School! What a great example your family is!

Melonee said...

We've been battling sickness for about a week and a half too. I'm tired of it! We all missed church last week, so yesterday Justin went to Sacrament Meeting and then came home so I could go to Relief Society because its my month to conduct. I hope you guys get better soon... and us too!

Sandra said...

I hope everyone is feeling better. I'm ready for Spring! I hope you plan on posting the dinosaur book, I'm interested in seeing that.

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