Monday, March 30, 2009

Just What's On My Mind

I know there is A LOT going on when I sit at the computer to write and I have five different opening statements come to mind. I haven't written for a week. That usually indicates emotional turmoil or something. That's not really the case this time. Just a busy world.

I have lost track of days and time...

Last week we had family come in to town for their Spring Break. It was fun to visit and spend a little time together. Jakob was So grateful to have cousins to play with. It was fun to marvel at how everyone is growing up and notice the differences and similarities. We are blessed with very good family. It was a pleasure to have them here. I fear I wasn't the best co-hostess, I apologize for that! But I did enjoy the time we were able to spend together!!

I have really bad Hay Fever this year. I have never had it before. It is very Frustrating! Luckily, I have been able to manage it through nutritional medicine. But on occasion it gets so bad I have to take a lot of OTC medicine. No Fun! Especially when we try to work outside.

Life is pretty much "business as usual." I am really looking forward to this Summer!! I love having Leif home with me! He is such a positive influence. He will be busy with school work, but just having him around boosts my spirits.

I am learning a lot with my schooling. My focus has narrowed down to Nutritional Medicine and Women and Children's Health. I love learning about how what we eat, the supplements we take/don't take, and the things we do on a daily basis effect every detail of our life. My favorite book is called The New Optimum Nutrition Bible by Patrick Holford. I have learned a lot about the basics of living a healthy lifestyle. The latest avenue of research has been about the "Blood Type Theory." It is based on the Dr. D'Adamo's book titled Eat Right 4 Your Type. Dr. D'Adamo details what each individual blood type should and should not eat, and why. It has been a great reference. I was disappointed to find that Leif is an O blood type which is polar opposite of me an A blood type. This makes for hard menu planning! His body requires hard core red meat. Where the kid's and I Shouldn't eat meat and require Lot's of vegetables and foods that you harvest. I knew we were opposites from the beginning, but this is a bummer!;)

Next week my baby Caleb will be One Year Old! It seems unreal. He's still so little and... my baby! I'll update the boy's blogs so you can read about how fun and cute they are.:)

That's about sums it up at the moment.

Until Later...


Sandra said...

That's pretty interesting. I wouldn't have thought that our blood type could help you determine what types of food are better for you. Wow, a year old huh... man time goes by fast.

Melissa F said...

My mother-in-law has been really into blood type dieting lately. She must be reading what you're reading. I confess I thought she was quacky at first, but I am starting to believe.

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