Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Thanks Ya'll I'm Doing Better!

Thanks everyone for your sweet support! I am doing better. My moods parallel the weather. This is not really an easy thing. We had Beautiful weather for a couple few weeks. It felt just like spring. And then WHAM back to Winter! It threw me for a loop. I'm working through it though, thanks to my good friend Harmony and her willingness to walk with me each day. I'm looking forward to walking with My friend Karin too. I'm going to be walking A LOT (probably around 2 hours each day) for the next couple of months. It will be really good for me! Harmony and I walk around our neighborhood. Karin lives in the hills outside of town. So That will be good to get an uneven course (muscle training) in too.

So, that's my update. Just pluggin' along. Trying to really get as healthy as I can. Working when I can with my schooling. Planning what my summer Community College classes will be. Helping Leif figure out the best route for his studies. Preparing for Jakob's dance recital. Planning our Summer trips (that I still need to announce...) Trying to help Caleb gain some weight (wish it was going better) Trying to be a good Young Women's Leader. And in the meantime, trying to maintain the house and everyday living... Just like all of you!

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