Wednesday, April 01, 2009

I Need Watching Conference With Kids Suggestions!

This weekend is General Conference. I would like Jakob to sit with us and watch as much as possible this year. I have some ideas of how to make this possible. But I'm up for any suggestions!! Let me know you're ideas and I'll post my plan later.


Heidi Hamilton said...

There are a bunch on different activity packets to choose from @

Harmony said...

I have heard of getting a few different treats and choosing a topic for each one when they hear that word or subject they can eat one of that treat. Say if one is service every time that is mentioned they eat a pretzel or get one from you if they start to eat them all.

Dawson Family said...

stumbled on your blog again when I saw you wanted ideas for this. I think it was in the Ensign where it said to have a bowl of his favorite snacks and give him "key" words to listen for and when he hears one her gets a treat. I think that idea will work great for AJ sitting with us this year.

Ev said...

My kids had "bingo cards" which had church pictures on it that as they shared that topic they would put a candy (M & M's or gummy bears etc.). They loved it and when they got Bingo or filled the card, they could eat them. Also, we had little notebooks where they would color a picture of what they were talking about. That's what we did & also it doesn't hurt to make some yummy treats to eat & make them excited. Ev

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