Saturday, May 09, 2009

Update and Throwing a Fit!

This past week was very full. I can't even give a run down of all that went on. Just every day business/busyness. Jakob is enjoying T-Ball. Leif finished finals. Leif starts Summer classes Monday. Caleb went in for his tubes appointment again. We went car shopping only to find that we're not approved for a car loan. And me, well, my body threw a fit all week and I was trying to drag along through it.

I came home from our Vegas trip and for two days I was lucky to just function. I hate when my body doesn't cooperate with my routine and schedule! Just a lot of pain and fatigue. Mostly foot and heel pain that causes me to be more tired then I should be and less able to keep on top of things. But it will subside soon...

I just wanted to update a bit to once again say that all is well. Just busy and full of LIFE!


Wendy Babcock said...

It sounds like you are non stop! What is going on with your foot? Were you in Vegas for fun or something else?

Karin Shannon said...

Remeber the good days when you are down with the back ones it always helped me. Love you.

Sandra said...

I know what you mean when your body doesn't want to cooperate. Sometimes it doesn't want to cooperate even when I've had adequate sleep and nutrition he he.

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