Tuesday, June 02, 2009

I Believe in Soul mates! Happy Birthday My Love!

I believe in Soul mates. Actually, I can't speak for anyone else. I just know that I found my soul mate. Today Leif is 30 years old. We have spent the day together. For the most part we just went about our day, business as usual. But we added flare to the day by eating a lot of yummy food. But my favorite part of the day (besides the time I was with him) were the moments I took to think about why I love Leif.

There is no way that I will ever be able to truly explain my feeling for Leif. But I can give a few ideas of why I love him. I will just give some examples that stem from the events of today:

I love Leif because he woke up this morning and ran outside first thing to take the garbage can out to the curb. Then he came back in and had personal scripture along side me.

I love Leif because he nurses his sick chickens as if they were his own children.

I love Leif because he helps me hold down a squirming baby while I change a stinky diaper. And if I'm not available, he would change the diaper as needed.

I love Leif because he is willing to do hard things just because he knows that it will make me happy.

I love Leif because he will drop anything to help me if I need it. He is especially good at helping me prepare meals.

I love Leif because he enjoys being with me. He doesn't even blink an eye when I ask him to go grocery shopping with me.

I love Leif because he has taught my little boy that ladies are served first at every meal. He is the perfect example of how a gentlemen should treat a lady.

I love Leif because he will sit and read out loud to me chapter after chapter as I go about the daily tasks of life or just sit next to him while he reads.
I love Leif because he is the only person who can make me laugh to the point of giving me hic-ups.

I love Leif because he is the ideal father.

I love Leif because he is the perfect husband for me.

Happy birthday My Love!


Patricia Potts said...

What a beautiful tribute Lena. Thank you for sharing

Janee said...

That was beautiful! We really lucked out with our men eh?! Happy Birthday Leif!

Sandra said...

Great post Lena! Happy Birthday Lief!!!

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