Sunday, July 19, 2009

Faith to Accept

Written Summer Semester 2009

Faith to Accept is the first essay that I wrote for my Creative Writing Course. I did not end up using it for the completed assignment. Therefore, it is a raw, un-workshopped piece. This shows where I was as I began my creative writing course. I had established my voice on a few topics, the loss of my twins being one of the most prominent. As I continued through the course, my writing voice began to blossom as I branched out and wrote about other topics and other genres.

Faith to Accept

It is human nature to fight for our cause, to petition all the forces of nature to give us what our heart desires. It was a cold dark night in November that I fought the fight of my life. My child’s life was in the ring.

“Please God”, I plead, while wrapped in the arms of my love, my body heaving with sobs. “We will teach her all about you. We will help her to serve Thee continually. Please let her stay… Please let Leif and I raise her together on this earth… Even if she is sick, it will be okay. We want her, Father. We want her here with us! Please make her whole, Father… Nevertheless, Thy will be done…” Those final words swirled in my mind as I lay there, like lingering smoke from a smoldering flame. Could I really allow him to take her if necessary? I fell asleep with that question unconsciously burned into my soul. -Full Story -

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