Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Many Directions

At the moment my brain and it's creativity are forced to travel in several directions. I have a fiction piece that I am hoping to complete this week (as it is due on Sunday.) I have the final piece that I have mentioned in previous posts. I have a large research paper in my other class that I am supposed to be putting together day by day, as well as a 2-3 page analytical article due by the end of the week.

Those are my writing obligations. I won't even go into the daily obligations as a mother. Chances are, you already know about that and can relate. The question is, how am I going to accomplish what I need to in my writing? I have 3 more school days in the week. I try to take Saturday off and Sunday for sure. I will take one project per day. On two of those days I have to do three discussion questions as well. Overwhelming? Yes. But I will do my best. That is all I can do. It will all work out.

Okay, let it be written, let it be done!

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