Saturday, August 01, 2009

Just Our Family Fun

We were able to stay up north longer then the rest of the family. So we took a couple of days and went to a couple of places just for Jakob. We went to the Hill Air force Base Museum and the Ogden Dinosaur Museum Park. We had a great time at both places. Jakob has a passion for jets and the military. We had to go to that museum twice. I do fear that he might actually follow through with his desire to become a pilot in the military someday. Leif and I take it serious enough that we have concluded that we'll accept it and guide him towards a mission and then the Air force Academy if he really wants to go the military route. But that's not for about 12 more years, right? Anyway, the dino museum was awesome too. In between our museum visits we were able to spend more time with my parents and my brother Jared, which is always nice.

On the way home we stopped at the Young Family Lavender Farm. The smell as you get out of the car is amazing. the fields of lavender are beautiful. But the secret of the farm is that they have a mid evil era village build on their property, equipped with ponds and paddle boats, a jousting arena, and midevil playground equipment. And across the way from that they have a western town set up. Leif and I couldn't find anyone to talk to about what in the world they use the space for. But we concluded that it would be a fun place for a family reunion.

All in all, the trip was full and Very Fun! We were exhausted, I'm STILL exhausted! But the time away was much needed. I played with my kids because I didn't have the computer. It reminded me of what my role is right now as a mother. Now if I can only apply the lesson...

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