Saturday, August 08, 2009

Quiet Blogging World...

WHERE IS EVERYONE!!!!???? Are you there? Or are you all out soaking up the last of the summer sun? Either way, hope you're all well! Some of you are in MO for the wedding, and I Wish We Were There!!!! Miss ya'll...


Sandra said...

We wish you were here also. The wedding was great and it was fun to see Jim. Hope your summer is going well...I can't believe it is almost over.

Patricia Potts said...

Hi Lena,
I just talked to Dave yesterday. Sounds like Joann went to the reunion. It will be fun to see your pictures.
Thanks for the mormon messages. It will be great to FHE

Heidi Hamilton said...

Hey Lena - been gone - just catching up on your last posts. Here's some of my thoughts:
1. Great idea on the family prayer rug. I wish I was as creative as you! Can't wait to see the fished product.
2. I'm again so sorry about your girls. I'm sure it is so hard with the reminders all around you. You are so amazing in working through your grief.
3. I have actually thought about homeschooling a lot lately, too. Haven't gotten there w/ McKinley yet & she doesn't go to preschool like like 2011, but I may get there sooner than later. If you need resources, I know lots!
4. I'm thankful to know I'm not the only one who has a hard time playing WITH her kids. Even if I get down on the floor with them, my mind is usually on my to-do list or somewhere else. So - I'm going to try harder, too!!
5. Sounds like your hubby is busy! Honestly, though, I envy you guys! Small town - he has a job offer. We would love that right now! I understand, though, because it's hard for me, too, when Jason is busy.
6. I would love to come see your cute place someday. You are so smart for being content with where you are. You certainly could be like everyone else & be way over your head in debt!
7. Completely DITTO with the books. Have you read Janette Oke? Love her! Especially the Song of Acadia series. So inspirational - historical fiction.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know I haven't dropped off the earth. Love your blog & LOVE YOU!

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