Saturday, August 01, 2009

Update: Lena's World

There is so much to tell, so much to update! I can't put it off any longer. This will be the first of a series of posts. I think I'll make this an update about me and my world.

I'm done with school! I took English composition II and earned a 96%. Yes, I was very thrilled! I also took Creative Writing and earned a 94%. This was the class that was a challenge for me. I wasn't sure what my grade would turn out to be, so I was Thrilled! School was a good experience, but I'm glad I'm done for a while. I created a Writing Portfolio as extra credit in my creative writing, so you can check it out at

I have several things that I hope to accomplish in the near future. First, I want to get my blogs updated. Then I want, no, Need to deep clean my house. By then I'll be sick of busy work and I will start making the Family Prayer rag rug that I've wanted to make for years. In the meantime, I am trying to figure out why Jakob's knees and shins are hurting (yes, probably growing pains.) And, I need to do things for my Young Women's calling and I want to help Leif do some things for his calling. I am also finishing up the Captain's series by Anita Stanfield for the second time, I LOVE this series and highly recommend it! Leif and I have agreed to switch books with each other while he's out of school for a couple of weeks this month. I will read one of his fantasy's and I want him to read this series.;) So now that I've made a list for myself you can wish me luck!

1 comment:

Harmony said...

Good luck on your goals, and congratulations on your grades for school that is great!

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