Monday, September 07, 2009

Home School Starts Tomorrow

Tonight marks the night for a new journey for me. I will start homeschooling Jakob tomorrow. I haven't made the fact that we took Jakob out of school a big deal for several reasons. Honestly, the main reason is because I don't want to hear how we should have stuck it out. No offence to those who feel this way, but we haven't taken the easy way out. This was NOT an easy decision. And it won't ever be. Will we put Jakob back into public school? Who knows? We don't! For now, I'm focusing on making this year great for him. I feel bad for a very few things that he'll miss out on while going to public school. But in the end, I hope not to regret it. And if I do, well, it's kindergarten and I don't think I can screw him up that bad (at least I hope!)

I have found some incredible resources online as well as in our community. So I have a good feeling about our direction. I have started a Joy School group in our community. So far I have one other mother who has joined (and her daughter of course) and I hope that we can find more to join us soon. On the days that we don't have Joy School, we will focus on subjects such as language, math, science, music, and art. For the first while we will follow a dinosaur theme. Jakob LOVES dinosaurs. So, I have found activities for the rest of the month about dinosaurs that still incorporates these subjects. I feel blessed to live in a day when I have such a huge resource at my finger tips (online) with so many free options.

I think one of the most useful tools that I have found is a free downloadable program that helps me keep all of our home school plans and records organized. I can record everything and if I ever needed to print out Jakob's attendance or his grades, or the lesson plans that I taught, I would have it all right on my computer with official printable forms. It is AWESOME! A gift from the company to home schooling families. The website is

So, the house is straightened and the plans are set and organized. Wish me luck!


Heidi Hamilton said...

Lena - your little boy is so blessed to have a mom that cares so much about his education. You are DEFINITELY not taking the easy road, but it sounds like compared to his public schooling, it will DEFINITELY be worth it.
Cindy has tons of resources, too, if you ever want to talk with her. She home-schooled Kalli & Tiarra for most of their lives.
Good luck! It sounds like you have a great plan. I'm sure you'll do great!

Lena Baron said...

Good luck, honey!
We love you -- and you already have done great with Jakob! Just keep it up!
Love you!
Your old man!

Patricia Potts said...

Lena, I am wishing you luck... actually praying for God's blessings on you. If anybody can make a go of can. If you ever need extra encouragement call Cindy. She's been there done that.

Sandra said...

That would be a tough decision. You don't need to defend your choice at all, you're the parents and you know best. Looks like you have it all planned, good luck!

Harmony said...

Best of luck. I am excited to hear how it goes. If you ever need a day off let me know. If Elli is not too young for this group I would be interested in learning more. When I move you can stop by and drop off the kids with me and have a day out no kids.

Harmony said...

Best of luck. I am excited to hear how it goes. If you ever need a day off let me know. If Elli is not too young for this group I would be interested in learning more. When I move you can stop by and drop off the kids with me and have a day out no kids.

Harmony said...

Sorry about the double post.

Seth and Valen Baron said...

you are such an awesome mom! You will be so much more creative than those teachers seem to be! Good luck:)

Seth and Valen

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