Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How Is Home School Going?

School is in session at the Baron's. I think Caleb's smile reflects perfectly how much fun we're having. Some have wondered what I do with Caleb during our school hours, the picture tells it all. He is right there with us. Luckily, school time does fall during his morning nap;) but when he is awake, he's coloring and reading with us.

Lately Jakob has a favorite word that he uses immediately after I ask him to do something, it goes like this: "NO!" (we're working on that!) However, I was thrilled yesterday to hear something else when I told Jakob we would be starting school within the hour. He walked away and quietly said to himself in a somewhat surprised tone, "I really like school..." Mission Accomplished!;)

As you can see in the photo we have a school table cloth. This cloth helps Jakob know when we are officially having school time verses family time. Every morning we eat breakfast together. During breakfast we have a short devotional (Jakob doesn't know that's what it's called.) To him it's just a story about one of the great hero's in the scripture. For me, it's a moment to teach my children the very most important lessons for life's journey. Even before the scholastic learning. After breakfast and devotional we begin our duties. We follow the Accountable Kid's program and it works well for our family. Then it's school time. Jakob and I spread the table cloth out together and begin. When school is over, we fold up the tablecloth together and thank each other for the fun. Then it's lunch, story, and NAP TIME!!:) By then, we're all ready for a nap. After nap Leif is home. We visit, eat dinner, have family time, and go to bed. I LOVE that we can create and follow our OWN schedule. We can change things up however we want. I Love it! We have another family in our neighborhood that is homeschooling. So yesterday Jakob went to their house for lunch their art time. He had a great time.

Another thing I love about home school is that if Jakob wants to veer towards another direction and create something on his own we can go that direction. This picture shows the flag that Jakob decided to make with the extra markers box and a Popsicle stick. Small, but fun. Love It!!!


Heidi Hamilton said...

I'm SO glad home schooling is going well for you! Depending on the school, we may end up going that route. It's encouraging to see that you all are thriving!
And...per your last post, I agree for what it's worth. I don't LOVE the Twilight series. It's a fast read, but I'm left at the end wondering what the "moral of the story" was, and am left uninspired.

Harmony said...

I love Jacobs comment that is so cool! I really like the idea of having a special table cloth that is a great idea for transitioning and keeping the table clear.

Janee said...

Sorry I've been neglecting the blogging world! I'm back (for the time being). Looks like you got the home school thing down! I'm impressed! Hope it continues to go well! Jakob is adorable!

Faith 'n Family said...

Darling pic of Jakob! This is the one I'll use for our Joy School house. During quiet time I had a fun time going through your recent blog posts - thanks for your blog -I've really enjoyed it!

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