Thursday, September 10, 2009

How You Can Tell It's Been A Long Day!

This is a picture of what happens when a tired mom is trying to talk to her husband and clear the table after dinner at the same time (that's sloppy Joe in the cupboard.) The funniest part is that I didn't catch my error until Leif pointed it out to me. Uh, is it bedtime yet???


Sandra said...

HA HA I've put cereal in the fridge before. I love blunders like that.

Amy and Kris said...

I LOVE that you did that! The other day I caught myself putting the milk in the pantry!! LOL!!!

Dynamic duo said...

Hey, Lena - I am a little late responding to your post, but I just wanted to tell you - YOU GO GIRL! Homeschooling is a hard decision, hard work and hard to defend/justify to others who just don't get it or want to get it. We homeschool, too and have found that it is the best thing we could've done for our lil' boy. We love it and have so much fun. I have a lot of GREAT resources for you if you want to venture!!! My sister-in-law followed us, too. She now homeschools her boy and has found more great resources. Good luck to you and keep your positive - daily victories close to your heart!

Allison said...

We have all had days like that!

Patricia Potts said...

I love it when others admit to their humaness.

We missed you at the reunion but it was good to see Lee and Nancy. I hope your meeting went well.

Harmony said...

I'm really glad to know that I too am far from being the only one that does that. Thank goodness for husbands who see.

Melissa F said...

I think everybody does that sometimes. My brother is the worst! We all make fun of him, but then I started to realize I do it all the time too. Milk where the cereal goes and cereal where the milk goes are the most common for me.

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