Tuesday, September 08, 2009

This Just Might Work

Thank you to those of you who sent me encouragement this morning as I took on the task of home schooling Jakob. Today actually turned out Great! We had a lot of fun!! We put a "big kid" puzzle together for math. It was a 100 piece T-Rex that glows in the dark. We worked on it in 15 minute increments throughout our school time. But he helped with the whole thing and we had a great time. We learned a lot about sorting and matching. Great fun! Now I need to glue it to cardboard so he can hang it in his room. We made a dinosaur picture with colored corn flakes glued to it for the skin. And we played a game where Jakob had to follow a path of dinosaur tracks (that we traced from his feet) away from a volcano lava flow. The only way to get from track to track was to name all of the letters that I showed him. He did great. We sangs songs, Jakob practiced writing his name, and we read a few stories in between. All in all, it was a lot of fun and I look forward to tomorrow.

Jakob also started his dance class again for this year. They started a Hip Hop class and invited boys to join. Jakob started a new era in K. He was the first boy to join their dance team. Now he is in a class with several boys and only one girl. I am really excited about the class. I was nervous that it might not be the style that we're looking for. But I think it will be fine.

Caleb is starting to try and talk to us. His first official words are Amen and Hi. He really hasn't looked at me or Leif and said Mama or Papa. However, I could swear that he did come to me from around the corner tonight and say "Hiii, Mama!" So we're making progress:) I am tickled every time I look over during the prayer and see him folding his arms. I so Love it!! Poor little guy has been sick since this weekend. I hate when he's sick!! Don't ask me what the problem is. Leif and I have just concluded that he has gets a fever every month at the same time which causes him to feel miserable. ugg!

So, life is busy! Busy, but good. And I think Home School might actually work out! Good Thing, huh!;)


Molly said...

I want to suggest to you the Baby Einstein First Signs video. I rented this around April or May and loved it. It teaches 20 basic sign language signs. My one year old has LOVED it. She can do about half of the signs, but she has also learned to say quite a few words because of this video. Each sign is introduced and the word is said out loud 4-5 times along with showing the sign. It has parents and small children doing the signs together. Plus, the music is sweet and pretty.

My 5 year old has also loved it. She has enjoyed learning the signs too. It can also be watched in French or Spanish, which works well for us with Hubby's French and our local language is Spanish. So, she has learned 20+ words in French.

I really think you will love it. It could be a really great addition to your day of language arts. (Plus, it gives you 30 minutes to work on your own chores/hobbies/whatever. You will need those extra minutes during the school day.) Have a great learning day.

Lena Baron said...

Thanks so much! I think you're right, We'll all love it and it's right on track with where we're at right now. Thanks for thinking about us!!!

Mandy Riddle said...

HEy girl! I did have a small thought the other day and that was, because our kids only go to Kindergarden for 3 hours a day in the morning, why not let Jakob go to school for those 3 hours for his social skills? Then you could still bring him home at 11 and still be able to teach him all he needs and he and you would both get the 3 hour outlet? It was just a thought.

Sandra said...

Yaa thats great that it's working out. Sounds like fun projects!

Amy and Kris said...

OH my gosh Lena, about the fever thing!!! My son Kaden has what is called P.F.A.P.A. He was getting sick around 9 months old every single month! It was getting to where I could predict when he was going to get his fevers. HE'd also get mouth sores, and body aches. I'd take him in to the dr. & they'd do a strep test but that would come back negative. We finally took him up to the U of U to be diagnosed. They did lots of blood work & came to this diagnosis. Here's a link to read more about it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Periodic_fever,_aphthous_stomatitis,_pharyngitis_and_adenitis
Anyway, if you want to talk about it more just email me! amy.k.morrisatgmaildotcom!

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