Thursday, December 10, 2009

Joyful News!

I have a minute of peace and quiet and the energy to blog. So I will share some of the Joys of this precious season. This shouldn't be too long, but I think you might want to continue reading;)

We're almost to our first day of the Christmas Count Down (Twelve Days of Christmas Reading.) I am really looking forward to it! We have a Christmas Advent candle that we will read Christmas scriptures by each night. I have also purchased and checked out several Christmas books this year to fill our days with the Christmas Spirit. I am proud of myself this year, I actually thought ahead a bit. I got on Oriental Trading and ordered 4 Christmas Craft projects to go along with some of the books that I bought. The main theme of the books are the Legends of the Stocking, tree, St. Nick, Candy Cane, etc, that all point us back to our Savior. I'm really looking forward to the fun and the spirit.

I feel so much better about the Christmas season this year. Leif is REALLY busy with school. I feel bad about that. But other then that, I'm not too overwhelmed with life and it's happenings. I am grateful for that.

Well, for those of you who have stuck with me through this post, you get to hear our exciting news! Yep, the Baron family will soon be getting bigger (not just the mama either;). I'm pregnant and THRILLED about it! I thought about waiting longer until I told the world, but I feel at peace and content that all will be well. So, there you have it. The due date is the first week in August. I am currently 5 weeks and 3 days. So far, SOO Good. I'm planning on feeling well for the next nine months... But I'm not naive enough to say I probably won't be sitting at the computer blogging for the next while. But, Who Knows!?... Send your Positive Vibes my way and I'm sure it will help!


Mandy Riddle said...

I knew it I knew it!!! Congratulations! I am so happy for you especially because you feel so good spiritually and physically. Good luck for the remaining 8 months!

Sandra said...

WOOO HOOO congrats. That is exciting. I hope it all goes well. My friend just found out she was pregnant, she went in and found she was 18 weeks along ha ha. Almost halfway through and didn't know it. They were on fertility to get their second so it surprised them. I need to be better at getting into the Christmas spirit. Sit down and read stories of Christmas with the kids and such.

Melonee said...

Congratulations!! I hope you have a healthy and happy nine months of pregnancy!! How exciting!

Heidi Hamilton said...

Ok - so I cheated & scrolled down. I figured from the title...
CONGRATS LENA! I am SO, SO excited for you! And...I am praying that things will go better than your past pregnancies with how you are feeling.

Dawson Family said...

Wow congrats Lena! I definitely wish no morning sickness to come your way. It is an awful feeling especially when your other kids are counting on you to be normal mom. So I hope all goes well. August seems so far away but I am sure it will come quick.

Janee said...

Omg...CONGRATS! Praying all goes well! Love you!

Anonymous said...

You guys are so didn't seem to take long at all...

Wendy Babcock said...

I am so excited to hear you are expecting! It is such a wondrous thing! I hope it is a little girl for you. Who knows though, you do such great things with your boys!

Karin Shannon said...

Wow I am so excited for you. That will be wonderful!! It sounds like you are taking to home schooling weel that is the key find something you want to learn about, get books and crafts to match..

Star said...

Wahoo! Congratulations, I am super excited for you. May all go smoothly.

Amy and Kris said...

YAY what exciting news! I hope you feel great!

Mecham Family said...

That is great news! If we ever get together again (we will!), we'll have kids a few months apart. We just found out this morning we are having a girl!

Congratulations. I'm so happy for you!

Patricia Potts said...

What a cute way to make your announcement Lena. I have been out of the country most of December so I just heard!

I can see why God whose you to send a new little spirit to.

May you feel his special love during your pregnancy.

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