Friday, January 01, 2010

Alive and Well

I warned you that I would be taking a break from blogging lately. But goodness, it's been a long time. Now I'm sitting here trying to figure out how I'm going to fit everything that I've missed into one post.... Not sure. But it's not going to be too long. Because my energy only lasts so long.

Some of you are probably curious to find out how I'm doing and how I'm feeling during this first trimester of pregnancy. Well, today I'm functioning, but struggling a bit. Yesterday was about the same. But there haven't been very many of these "bad" days up to this point. Can you believe that!? I am well. Not perfect. But, well. I went in to the dr around 6 Weeks along and I was starting to "feel" pregnant. He gave me some Zofran immediately and I've been able to take two a day since then and it's made life possible. It's more of a blessing then I can describe. We are very grateful!!

With me feeling stronger then we had anticipated we've been able to enjoy a lot more together as a family. We've gone up to Leif's brother's family and playing in the snow. We had a great Christmas. Then we actually loaded up and drove North to visit my family and Leif's sister and her family. We've had a nice time together. But it's time to come home. Leif's with the kids saying goodbye to Larissa and I'm here resting. Preparing my soul for the six hour drive. In fact, the thought makes me need a nap. I'm going to go lay down... I'll write more details as the days go by.

Thank you everyone for sending us cards and updates. I'm sorry that I don't do that. I guess there is a time and season for everything... Love you all though!


Heidi Hamilton said...

Glad you are surviving and generally feeling well! Also - wishing you the best for the new year!

Sandra said...

Yaaa I'm glad that your feeling good.

Anonymous said...

I hope we get to see you guys when the baby actually gets here! (or before haha) Maybe we will be expecting one of our own by then lol...:) We miss you guys and and are glad to hear things are going well!

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