Friday, January 08, 2010

Mama's Birthday - Thank you everyone!

Well, I feel extra Loved! There is no way I can reply to all of the phone calls, emails, Facebook wishes, and blog comments from friends and family who took a moment to wish me a Happy Birthday. You are all wonderful and I am really grateful for you.

I did have a great birthday! I wasn't feeling all that great. But that ended up being okay because my good friend kidnapped Jakob from me for the day. So it was just Caleb (who was sick and sleepy) and me. So I rested the whole day.

Leif surprised me with roses, a new skillet, a TY stuffed animal, and a new brush. He also made me a yummy German Chocolate cake. We didn't have any big plans. But our good friends (the Jensen's) ended up dropping by to visit. So we had a great visit along with cake and ice cream.

Thank you everyone for your love!


Sandra said...

I'm glad your birthday went well and that you got to rest...that would be so nice. :)

Sharane said...

It's So Good to hear that you were able to Rest on your Birthday! What a Great Gift for a Busy Mom! That is Cute that Leif made you a Yummy Cake.
I Love the photo of You and Leif in the snow cave (previous post). What Fun! Sounds like you had a Great Christmas! :)

Mandy said...

Happy Birthday! I'm happy you had a wonderful day!

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