Sunday, January 17, 2010


Is it legal to be THIS tired!??

Seriously! This question hits me in the face every day around 3:00. I know some of you can relate.

Sorry. I'm functioning. But only for the absolute necessities of life... YES, my Christmas tree is still set up in my living room. Wish me luck tomorrow as I try to tackle it and huck it over our balcony (Well, I guess Leif will actually do that part;)


Steph said...

I'm sorry you are so tired. If I were closer I would come and take down your tree for you. Hopefully you will get some energy back!

Patricia Potts said...

he he well I remember. You have a way of making me smile Lena! :)

Melonee said...

I hope you're able to take a nap, take down your tree, and then take another nap! All the struggles of pregnancy are so worth it in the end!

Anonymous said...

I'd trade places with you any day...on the pregnancy tiredness anyway..

Sandra said...

Yep it's all legal! Your prego, so anything you do is :) Good luck.

Heidi Hamilton said...

Oh, Lena - I can genuinely say I relate. The past few nights have been SO rough & my brain & body just do not function too great when so sleep-deprived. Everything grates on me and yes, I think if the mommy-police came by & took a survey at that time, I would be in trouble. Don't even worry a second about the Christmas tree, though. There's people who keep them up until like April - so you're good!

Janee said...

Girl! Sorry to hear you're so tired! Isn't it the worst! I actually got a part time job because motherhood is just so draining! I can't even imagine being preggo and having to take care of 2 little ones! I'll be praying for you!

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