Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I need a distraction. I'm not sure if this is going to work. I was looking forward to better days. But now I've caught some junk and it's not good. But hey, I told myself I would let up on the complaining and get back to being overwhelmingly grateful. So we'll see...

This is definately a rambling post. You might want to... Just kidding my arms are too tired to type... Plus, Jakob's voice right in my ear is NOT helping me... Mama? Mama? What you doing? MAAMA!... Mama quick!

Alright, I'll try this later. Seeyall!


Sandra said...

I hope you get some Momma time. It can get really frustrating when you have kids coming at you from all directions and you just want a moment of peace. I hope it gets better!

Patricia Potts said...

I love your refreshing humanity Lena.

As far as the sickness goes I have found some oils that really help. Cindy can get them for a great price.

I started getting sick earlier this week, I tried the oils and vuala-- I'm fine now!

Hope you're feeling better.
Love ya

Lena Baron said...

Yes, Patricia I'm interested! I sent you an email but I'm not sure if it's the right email address.

The Odd Couple said...

Hey Lena- I have been a slacker during the holiday when it came to checking blogs. Plus I have my beautiful boy and he is much more important than the computer. So I just barely saw you are expecting again! Congratulations! I am so excited for you! Btw, I think I asked you once where you guys were settled I understand not wanting to put it on the blog but I am curious so FB message me or e-mail me. And yes it is completely legal to feel that tired!

Melissa F said...

I am super behind in the blogging world and just caught up on your blog. Every time after I read your blog it makes me want to be better. I always love your honesty on your blog. I hope you're feeling okay. I'd love to say more but a little girl is losing her patience with me and my computer.

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