Thursday, February 11, 2010

Ahh, Life Is Good!

I feel well tonight! MUST UPDATE!;)

LEIF: Full time student (online classes). Full Time Work at the school as the Librarian Aid and the In School Suspension Supervisor. Primary Chorister. AMAZING Father and INCREDIBLE Husband. Leif has managed to pull off great grades, WOW his work supervisors at work, and cook dinner EVERY night for the last 12 weeks. He also manages all of the chickens and our puppy. Amazing Indeed!

JAKOB: Jakob is growing up. We always say that as mothers. But I think it's because it is always such a shock when we take a moment to compare the days and years past, with the present. I still do school with Jakob regularly as well as Joy School. I didn't say EVERY DAY. But well enough. I'm SOOOO Glad that I took the time to prepare his daily lessons ahead of time. It's made it So much easier to be able to pull out the envelope every day and work on something new each day. I really enjoy the daily random studying that we do together. For example, today we were driving home from the park and Jakob said "Mama, what is the smartest land animal in the world?" I said, "Hmm? I don't know for sure, let's Google it when we get home. We climbed on the computer later and discovered that the Chimpanzee is considered the smartest animal in the world. I figured it was, but it was fun to discover the answer together and learn WHY...

Jakob and I also love to read together. We're up to book #24 in The Magic Tree House Series. They have taught us both about some great places and wonderful lessons. For example, today Jakob was outside trying to build a contraption that he could roll a golf ball down. It took several tries and a lot of thinking but he was thrilled when it was complete. I was able to use a line from the latest book we read and he completed it. I began with, "If at first you don't succeed..." and Jakob finished with "try, try, again!" Lesson Learned!

CALEB: Oh, my baby... He's growing up too. Right now he's teething again. But that seems to be a common occurrence. I just wish the crazy teeth would break through and let him move on with life. He's communicating more and more as the days go on. His favorite words are cheese, thank you, and Papa. He also says cookie, teeth, No, and many other things that we haven't translated yet. Oh how he loves to laugh and tease. And he is a dare devil! No fear. Gone are the days of letting the kids play in the yard while I work up in the house. Sometimes we even have to put a backpack on Jakob and tie a rope to him that is attached to the tree in the yard. That's his Time Out when we're outside and he HATES it! After a while on the rope, all we have to do is warn him about the rope and he'll turn around and come back to the boundaries.

-- Currently--: Leif has turned out all of the lights in the house. The boys have flashlights with lasers on them. They shine the laser somewhere and Leif tries to avoid it (as silly as possible of course.) Lot's of laughter and fun... Good times!

And, ME:
Well, I'm still alive, Gratefully so. My strength is returning in some ways. It's an interesting journey. Instead of giving you a run down of my health, I'll just share some of the things I'm up to these days (And NO I do not mean Weight! Ugg!) Well, on my good days, I keep things sanitized and in a semblance of order. On the not so good days I don't, but I probably get a lot of reading accomplished. The latest books I've read are a couple from Nicholas Sparks. Sometimes, when I have energy, but not enough to do a lot, I work on my prayer rug. It's coming along well. I've got all of the fabric cut into strips. Now I'm knotting the rows and will then sew them together. I really hope to finish it within the next few months (I have to be realistic!:) Other then that, I just try to get through the day without yelling too much and remembering everything I've committed to do. Once a week I am in charge of Joy School for Jakob and our sweet friend River. On Sunday I teach the Sunbeams (3-4 year olds) in Primary. I LOVE IT! And what have I put off that I REALLY REALLY need to pick back up and finish? My Holistic Health schooling. I HAVE to get back to that. I hope to be up to doing that very soon!

--Currently--: Leif has Jakob and Caleb on his lap, reading Caleb's FAVORITE book (Hide and Seek Vehicles). Leif is so much more energetic then I am. The books seem to come alive when he reads.

Ahhh, Life is Good!


Heidi Hamilton said...

Glad to hear everyone is doing well - especially you!

Steph said...

Glad to hear the update and can't wait to find out what you are having!

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