Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Tender Reminder

When I posted yesterday I knew what my post would be about today. I knew that they may seem contradictory. They are in some ways. And then for others they fit perfectly. How could blue skies and sunshine possibly go along with the heartbreaking experience of attending the funeral for a precious baby girl who's family had to say their earthly goodbyes today?

It's hard to explain, but for someone who has gone through such an experience there are actually moments in time during the trial that the words "sunshine in my soul" might actually fit. There were moments where the feeling of our Saviors love and presence was so clear that it could be described as the warmth of the sun dispelling the heavy clouds that most surely threatened to consume my soul. As hard as today was to relive my own sorrow as well as feel the heartache of my dear friend during her loss; feeling the sunshine in my soul again was a precious reminder of the fact that though the journey may seem impossible to manage, nothing is impossible with the Lord on your side. Dear Baby Emma, thank you for this precious reminder. Oh how we wish we could learn the lessons some other way, but Father knows us perfectly of that I am sure.


Emma Jean lived 21 miraculous days upon this earth. During this time, she managed to touch the hearts and lives of countless family members, friends, and neighbors who knew of her journey and mission upon the earth.

Emma was unconditionally loved and cared for by her parents Dustin and Amanda who rarely left Emma’s side. As well as the dedicated medical staff of the SG Hospital NICU who attended to her every need, often going the extra mile. Emma was also loved and snuggled by her three older sisters Kati, Allison, and Shelby and her Grandparents.

Emma’s life upon this earth was hard and short. However, her life with her family will be eternal. Emma lives on not only in our hearts but also in a very real place with her Father in Heaven where she continues to be surrounded by love and is patiently waiting for the time when she will live with her family again. This comforting knowledge is what will get us through the time when we are apart. Thank you sweet little Emma for sharing your precious spirit with all of us. God be with us all, til’ we meet again!


Patricia Potts said...

What a tender tribute and testimony. Thanks Lena

Heidi Hamilton said...

That is so heart-breaking - you are such a resource for her in this trial. Have you read lately - the story about Kailee was amazing. Maybe one day you can share that website with her & it will help her to share & heal.
You are awesome Lena!!

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