Monday, February 01, 2010

A Time to Be Grateful

Every night I crawl into bed, get settled, and then it starts. My mind begins to compose. Sometimes it's the next children's story that I want to write for my kids. Most of the time it's a blog post perfectly worded and detailed. However, it's only my mind that has the energy for such things. I have often wished that I had a small laptop computer that I could set above my pillow as I lay in bed (I sleep on my stomach) and I would type out my thoughts. The only problem is that I am not a perfected typist. I can't type without glancing at the keyboard every so often. Back in the day, I would just drag myself out of bed to my computer and be grateful in the morning to have the finished product down on paper. Not an option these days. Once I'm down, I MUST stay down. So, unfortunately the compositions are short and choppy. But, such is life. Or, as I might say on occasion "it's all about the season you're in..." Yes, the season...

Well, my heart is still weighed down with sorrow for my dear friend and her heartache. But I have found comfort through the Atonement as well as the occasional talks with her where I am able to glean from her strength. This is a precious time for her and her family. A time where the power of the Atonement is in full swing and it can be felt by all who come in contact with this dear family. They are being carried in the arms of the Savior. And they will be carried for as long as they need. Gradually, the Lord will allow them to feel the pain of their loss more prominently, but if they will stay close to Him He will never be far distant. A truly amazing experience...

So Leif and I have made a firm conclusion. This is not to be taken too seriously, yet not too lightly. I am allergic to pregnancy!:) Yes, it is true. Yes, you can laugh with me. I try to take away the edge with the humor of the statement. But in reality, it can only be true. I absolutely Love my babies. Which is why I have been pregnant 5 times. But it has become abundantly clear to me that if I had not learned from each pregnancy ways to medicate my situation, I would be utterly useless for the next nine months. So now I will take a moment and thank Father in Heaven for guiding Leif and I to all of the medications that make this possible. Thank you for making Zofran affordable enough to take two pills every day. Thank you for Phenegren every night. Thank you for Zoloft that helps me cope. Thank you for Tylenol that brings down the random fevers. Thank you for the Liver medication that will keep my liver functioning properly thus keeping me from peeling my skin off from the itching. Thank you for ultrasounds that keeps us in tune with the baby's health and well being. And thank you for everything in between!

I need to end this on a more uplifting note. My blog has been a drag lately (it always seems to mirror me. Funny how that works;) Hmmm? Let's see...

OH! I'm excited for Friday. We have a doctors appointment and we're hoping to follow tradition and find out what gender the baby is around the 13 week mark. Wish us luck! Also, I have an eventful day planned tomorrow. But I will write about that when I have more details. So, until then I will say good night!


Patricia Potts said...

May God bless you tomorrow when you "take a peek!"

I'm sure I was alergic to pregnancy too but I got some pretty nice children out of it! You will too!


Patricia Potts said...

May God bless you tomorrow when you "take a peek!"

I'm sure I was alergic to pregnancy too but I got some pretty nice children out of it! You will too!


Nicole said...

You can be allergic to being pregnant! Yours is different than mine but I get PUPPs right after labor. God knew women were tougher than men that's why we deal with pregnancy and not them. If they had to have morning sickness, labor, and everything in between our planet would be far less populated! I hope you're doing better!

Anonymous said...

Lena, you are such an inspiration:) we love and miss you guys! Ill be so excited when we can finally move out there and be closer to everyone! We can't wait to find out what you guys are having!

Sandra said...

Ooohhh I'm excited to find out what your having. I'm grateful we live in a time of medication. We are still trying to figure out the best meds for Luke's asthma but without the stuff he's taking now I'm sure he would have a hard time. Keep us informed on what you find out.

Janee said...

Amen to that! I was thanking God everyday of my 1st tri for the miracle of Zofran. I surely would have died without it.

That's great you can find humor in it all...uh, I can't, which is why I'm DONE having babies!

Can't wait to hear the exciting news! Love ya!

Steph said...

God is great and has provided us with some amazing things, we are so lucky to live in these days. You better post what you are having!

Heidi Hamilton said...

First of all, I love your posts - perfectly worded, completely random, and everything in-between.
Second, I have very little idea what you're going through, but I can at least say that I, too, am not one of those women that just get more beautiful, happy & healthy when they are pregnant. Nope. Not me.
Third, did you get my e-mail about hyperemisis? I can't believe how in-depth the study is. They are even going to swab my cheek for DNA. Fun Stuff.

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