Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring Projects

We've tried to enjoy every bit of sunshine that we received this last month. I can't say I've done a lot, but I've tried. Leif on the other hand has scored big time! Here are a few pictures telling about all the fun we've had lately.

We've cleared out the garden plot and Leif tilled it up. We're planning on planting most of our veggies in Earth Boxes this year. So we actually spread wild flower seeds throughout the garden area.
From Spring Projects

We needed a fence in front of the yard to keep Caleb and Lady Bug in the yard. Leif and his brother worked hard and put one up for us. It sure has been nice! Lady has calmed down a lot and loves to run around. I love that I feel that the kids are safe.
From Spring Projects

The kids kept digging in the garden. It's far from sanitary. So Leif and I finally looked around the yard at the scrap wood we had and Leif built a sand box frame that includes a lid (to keep animals out.) It is AWESOME! We found sand for a Great Deal! So that is even better! Once everything was built Jakob and I went to work painting the Sussex Chicken Coup and the Sand Box. It was a lot of work, but a good accomplishment!
From Spring Projects

From Spring Projects

From Spring Projects

I have mentioned before how much I miss having a bathtub. Well, we found a huge box at the town wood pile. It was actually carrying a light weight fiberglass bath tub in fine condition. So, we brought it home. Leif built a frame to set it in to stabilize it. We patched up the drain, bought a white hose and a shower attachment, and there we have it, A Bath Tub! Yes, we use it. No it's not perfect. It will be fine when we get a good pump to pump the water out quickly. When the tub is not in use, it is a very much loved reading/make believe play room! Love It!

From Spring Projects


Heather said...

wow! That's Awesome. You did a great job painting. I love the sand box! Thanks for the pictures.

Patricia Potts said...

I love the sand box and your reading tub. So clever!
I want to see a picture of you these days too (gotta compare it to Trisha)

Sandra said...

Wow you guys have been busy! The sandbox looks great.

Heidi Hamilton said...

Wow! You guys really have been super-busy! LOVE the sandbox. We have a small one in our backyard, but they play in it forever - just like in our sandbox when we were kids :)

Janee said...

Isn't having a handy husband the BEST! You guys have definately been busy!

Faith 'n Family said...

Spring is such a great time of year. Fun projects - like your fence and the sand box.

Steph said...

Wow those are some great projects. Gardens are the best, getting to grow something and reaping the benefit. Glad to see that all is well!

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