Monday, May 31, 2010

Life is Good: Day 73

We had a great day today (Memorial Day.) We all just relaxed and played. We had a barbecue with family and played some more. The highlights were Leif having the time to play with the kids on the trampoline, Leif and the boys playing the CARS Wii game (Thanks Mandy!), Sitting under the shade umbrella and working on my prayer rug while the kids played in the water and Leif read (even if he did take most of that time to fix the fence where Lady was escaping), and reading, reading, reading. A Great day for sure!!

There was also something in the air (literally) today. It just smelled so good. I can't pin point what it was. All I can figure is Lilacs, Wild roses, and Iris. MMM! So yummy! Iris remind me of Memorial Days growing up. My mom and grandma would cut the Iris and Snowball bushes and load bottles and bottles to the cemetery. I remember the smell and the journey... Good memories!

From Life is Good Count Down
From Life is Good Count Down
From Life is Good Count Down

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Yep I believe something was in the air too. :) Glad you had a great day!

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