Saturday, May 08, 2010

Mama's Update: Possible Complications

I need to write. To update. Maybe that will help me sleep better tonight. Sleep these days is just another task. Medicine to try to GET me to sleep, then prayer that the medicine will work and I will be able to find a decent position to sleep in, and then hope that I'll be able to stay asleep through the night without exhausting dreams and screaming kids. Yep, this post looks to be a definite venting post.

I told Leif I was going to wait to let everyone in my world know about the current state of "my world." But I think I'm just going to write. Then I'll let the upcoming days play out how they may ... Good, Bad, or Ugly.

Well, the last couple of weeks I just haven't felt well. I've felt extra big, more of a full heavy feeling. Yes the scale has definitely gone up, and faster then I liked. So I was working on living more healthy. But I've also been dealing with weird blood pressure issues. When I stand up for any amount of time I'll have sudden spells where I just feel weak all over and I feel like my breath is slipping away. I am forced to sit because of it. It seems to happen more in the first half of the day. I've had HORRIBLE headaches! And I am just TIRED, so Tired.

I was/am feeling frustrated because the way I feel is how I should feel at the very end of my pregnancy. Where, here I am a little over half way. So, for some people, these issues might cause them to wonder enough to go into a doctor earlier then planned or something. For me, I just chalked it up as my personal experience with pregnancy and was sucking it up and working through it. Pregnancy is pretty much a nightmare in my world.

So I walked into the doctors office for our routine appointment and the doctor was standing in the hall as I was coming to my room. He asked how I was. Well, at this point I have stopped rattling off all of my aches and pains to people. I sound like a crazy woman if I do. So I said with a smile "I'm fine," and walked into the room (hey we didn't have the kid's with us). I then did the routine pee in a cup.

Well, my doctor soon walked in and seemed a bit more weary or concerned then usual. But he's a very busy doctor and father of several children. So he always comes in with a smiling sigh.:) Anyway, he looked at me and said, "so, you have a lot of protein in your urine." Right away I knew what he was getting at and things started making some possible sense. So the concern that comes when you have protein in the urine is Preeclampsia. It's really dangerous for the mother and the baby. No fun at all. And I wasn't a bit surprised.

So I asked him if it was a little protein or a lot. He said it was a lot. I of course told him the reality of how I've been feeling. From there we did an ultrasound and the baby looks great! Then he sent me for blood work. I did the routine glucose test as well. And tomorrow I have to start a 24 hour urine collection (I know, too much information. Sorry!)

So, as of the moment, I have no official diagnosis. But as I said, I won't be surprised if the tests come back telling us we have concerns to deal with. We'll know either early this upcoming week. Or our appointment on Friday.

So what are the possibilities? Well, of course we'll all be on the cautious end. All of this seems a bit too close to da-ja-vou. But if things are mild, I'll take medication and check in with the doctor weekly. If things are more severe, I'll be on bed rest and probably in the SG hospital near the NICU.

So, that's my world. Right now, I'm just really tired and anxious to make sure everything is being done to keep the baby and I well.

And on that note, I'll keep ya posted! Then if all is well, you can celebrate with me.


Janee said...

Oh wow! I'll be praying for you and baby for sure! I know how preeclampsia goes...I had it so bad at the end of my pregnancy with Maya that they had to induce me!

Dawson Family said...

Wow, life just doesn't seem to give you or Karin a break when it comes to pregnancies. I wish you luck and my prayers will be with you & your sweet unborn blessing.

Melissa F said...

I'm so sorry! I'll be praying for you and the baby.

Melonee said...

I'm sorry to hear this, Lena! I had preeclampsia at the end of my pregnancy with Chloe. I hope that your urine collection comes back ok and that you aren't spilling too much protien. Bedrest at home would be a lot easier than bedrest at the hospital. Lots of prayers coming to you and that little baby!

Sandra said...

So sorry you haven't been feeling well. That is no fun. We'll be thinking of you. Hugs! Oh and I had to laugh about the "to much info" part. Thats not to much info at all, although it seems when you get a bunch of women together to talk about birth stories or mothering that you hear it all :) I would do the same. I hope you have a wonderful Mothers Day!

Amy and Kris said...

Hang in there Lena!I hope all goes well & that it's nothing too serious!

Heidi Hamilton said...

Lena - your comments are always so sweet on my blog. You are fine to send on that Mother's Day post, although I don't think it's anything special.
I'm sorry about your complications & hope that everything gets under control soon. I, too, truly wish we lived closer. I'll be thinkin' & praying for you & baby Baron!

Faith 'n Family said...

You're in our thoughts and prayers! Please know Jakob and Caleb are always welcome at our home when you need a break!

Patricia Potts said...

Oh my dear sweet Lena, I am so sorry you are facing complications again. I remember being put on bedrest for 3 months with Trisha because of blood clots. I had the brain tumor also and I spent my time writing good-bye books to my family... sign...I remember.
I do hope and pray you will get to go with Plan A instead of Plan C.

Harmony said...

I am so sorry to hear of your struggles! If you do come this way for any reason I would be glad to help in any way I can. My prayers are with you.

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