Thursday, May 27, 2010


Today was the last day of Leif's Day Job (for the Summer.) He works at the elementary school. So we get him to ourselves the whole summer!! Oh how grateful I am for this!!! We thought about having him take his CNA course this summer, but decided it would be okay to wait on that.

Technically, Leif and I will be really busy with our online classes that we've signed up for. But there's nothing like being able to work out our own schedules and visit and help each other throughout the day. And WOW do I need his help these days! I'm blessed that he's able and willing to give it.

Hopefully we'll squeeze in some fun throughout the Summer days too. I've mentioned this before, but we're really looking forward to my sister and her girls' visit in June. Jakob is signed up for two sessions of swimming lessons. So I think we'll be covered for the fun factor. And then a new baby to top it off at the end of the season. Ahhh, that will be the BEST!!!


Molly said...

I hope you all stay busy, stay relaxed and enjoy the summer time.

Heidi Hamilton said...

I hear ya. YAY for summer!

Anonymous said...

Maybe after Leif and I both get out RN degrees and Seth and I move back out there we could work at the same hospital. Wouldn't that be neat? Miss you guys!!

Sandra said...

Thats fun that he can be with you through the summer. It would be awesome if Kevin didn't have to work through the summer time :) Ahh just dreaming. Hope you guys have a fabulous summer.

Melonee said...

I'm jealous that you're in summer mode already! School doesn't get out here until the 17th of June and our weather has been cruddy lately!

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