Friday, June 25, 2010

Life is Good: Day 48

We have had a busy and fun couple of days. Leif and I got the house ready for company a couple of days ago. Then we all climbed in the car and drove to Manti to meet my sister and her girls for the pageant. All went well on the way. Unfortunately, Heather got VERY sick before the show. We felt so bad for her. Luckily we all survived and Heather was able to rest in the car. The kids did fantastic during that late and kind of long performance. I was blessed with extra strength too. It was a good experience for the most part.

Today we drove a lot and shopped for groceries. We also stopped at Leif's brothers house to walk around. I won't be able to make any more long drives before the baby. My body is done with that! It was such a beautiful drive though. So green!!

It was nice to get home this afternoon and spend time just settling in and letting the kids play. We're all going to have a great time!! Life is Good!


Sandra said...

oh bummer about Heather. I'm glad you guys had a good time.

Patricia Potts said...

The Manti pagent brings back fond memories. My grandmother lived across from the temple and we used to roll down the hill all the time.
Dan and I went to the pagent about a week before he proposed too! I'm sorry about Heath but I'm glad you got to go.

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